How to find a qualified auto technician: If an auto mechanic … it’s time to run for the hills

Having an auto repair shop you can trust is almost as important as having a family doctor you can trust. There are many auto mechanics who are highly reputable, trustworthy and skilled in repairing your car, truck or SUV. There are also auto mechanics who are anything but trustworthy. Some of these simply don’t know what they’re doing and others know, all-too well, how to use their knowledge to fleece you out of your hard-earned money.

The worst part about an untrustworthy auto mechanic is that, while you’re giving them money they haven’t earned, they’re leaving you with a car that isn’t properly repaired or maintained. In some cases, they may leave you driving a car, truck or SUV that is downright dangerous to drive.

So, how do you distinguish the good auto mechanic from the bad; how do you avoid bringing your car, truck or SUV to an auto repair shop where you’ll wind up holding the short end of the stick?

Here are some tips to consider when choosing an auto repair shop:

  • What is their demeanor? Do you feel you’re being pressured? Are they defensive when you question them about the repairs or service they’ve recommended? Quality auto repair mechanics understand that there is plenty of work to do if they have a good reputation and if they put the interests of their customers first. There is no need for them to pressure someone to have a service done. Keep in mind, however, that, if it’s a matter of safety, a qualified mechanic may express him or herself emphatically when encouraging you to have a particular service done. However, they should be able to thoroughly explain why it is crucial that your car, truck or SUV have this service done now.
  • Is their reputation tarnished? Do some due diligence before you bring your vehicle to an auto repair shop. This involves a little research. See what prior and current customers have to say about the auto repair services they provide. Every auto repair shop may have that one customer they just can’t satisfy. That person may have falsely labeled an auto repair shop with blame they don’t deserve. But, if there are frequent negative comments about an auto repair shop, that’s probably something you can take to heart. Take that to heart and take your car, truck or SUV somewhere else.
  • Are they invested in their business? Someone who spends the money to build, buy or rent a substantial auto repair shop, and then fill it with the latest auto repair tools and equipment can hardly risk that kind of investment on a bad reputation. And, if they’ve been around for a while, they probably have proven themselves to some extent (still investigate their reputation online).
  • Do they stand behind their service? Do they offer warranties? Keep in mind, if they’re not an established auto repair shop, their warranty may not be worth the paper it’s written on. What is their reputation on responding to customers’ concerns and complaints? 
  • Are their auto mechanics certified? Auto repair has advanced far from the days when back-yard mechanics were common place. Today, a qualified auto mechanic is backed up by a dedicated education so that they know what makes newer cars tick, how to use the tools and equipment required to repair and maintain all types of cars, trucks and SUVs, and, just as importantly, they’ve kept their certifications up to date.
  • Do they save the parts they replace for you? No, you don’t have to take that old muffler home when the mechanic replaces it. However, by law in Illinois, an auto repair shop must give you the option of keeping the parts they’ve taken off your car. Even if you don’t want those old parts, it’s a good idea that they’re willing to let you see the parts they’ve replaced. If they’re not willing to do that, and follow the law, that’s a big sign to worry about trusting them.

Once you’ve found an auto repair shop you can trust, stay engaged enough so that you can tell if the culture of trustworthiness somehow changes. But, otherwise, if you find a good one, don’t let them get away. And, if you find a bad auto repair shop, run the other way.


5415 Austin Ct. Ringwood, IL 60072 Directions
Mon - Fri: 8am to 5:30pm
Sat: 8am to 2pm
Sun: Closed

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