If your tires fail it can hurt

Have your tires inspected with your car’s next oil change

They seldom complain. You can just about drive your tires off the rims and they’ll seldom make a peep. You come to count on them and with good reason. For thousands and thousands of miles, tires keep on rolling unhindered by the strain. But, they are not infallible.

We know tires can fail because we see cars on the side of the road with drivers struggling to remove flats and replace them with spares. A tire often fails because something has punctured the rubber. But, there are other ways that a tire can lose its mojo, otherwise known as air.

Sometimes, a tire will leak around the rim. This is frequently experienced in the late Fall/early Winter when the cold causes aluminum rims to lose their seal with tires. In these instances, an auto repair technician needs to remove the tire, clean the bead that should bond with the rim and the area of the rim where the bead bonds. Sometimes, they’ll apply a layer of tire glue to ensure the quality of the seal.

While rim leaks often occur when the weather turns cold, that doesn’t mean it’s the only time a tire can experience a rim leak. They can happen any time of the year.

A tire can also go flat because the valve stem fails. In some cases, this is because air is escaping through the tube where air is customarily added to the tire. The tube (stem) has a screw-in valve that, when depressed, will allow air in or out. If the valve loosens or fails, air will escape when not intended. It’s also possible that the rubber stem could have a crack that leaks.

In terms of punctures to a tire itself, these are often found in the face of a tire. A technician can spin a tire in a tub of water and look for bubbles to find a leak. But, punctures to the rubber can also happen on the side of a tire. Just as a nail could go through the face of a tire, a nail can also drive through the side of a tire.

Other times, a tire hits something that cuts the sidewall. The problem with sidewall damage to a tire is these are not commonly repaired. Considering the movement required in the sidewall of a tire, repairs there can seldom hold and are not advised.

Another reason tires leak is due to age. With age, a tire can dry out. The oils in its composition evaporate over time. The process leaves the rubber brittle and cracks can develop. The issue with dry rot of a tire is that, even if it doesn’t leak, it’s not safe.

Dry rot cracks represent weak spots in the tire. They can give way, particularly if you hit a severe bump and bumps are often more severe at higher speeds.

When dry rot is found on a tire, it’s a good idea to replace the tire. And, having your tires inspected, in general, is a good idea. You can have your tires inspected the next time you bring the car in for an oil change.


5415 Austin Ct. Ringwood, IL 60072 Directions
Mon - Fri: 8am to 5:30pm
Sat: 8am to 2pm
Sun: Closed

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