No Mulligans with accidents – Performance Unlimited wishes you a safe and happy holiday

An accident, once it happens, is something you can’t take back. You can’t say to yourself, “I should have stopped at the stop sign I missed,” and then roll time backwards until the accident didn’t happen. Once it happens, the damage is done, whether to the vehicles, to passengers or both. There are no Mulligans or Do-Overs.During the holiday season, our normally stressful lives are all the
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Safe driving includes extra attention during holiday rush

That last-minute shopping for the holidays can run a bit hectic. The malls are packed, the roads are busy and, to add to the mix, the roads are often slick and dangerous this time of year, too. For shoppers, with their focus on making their final purchases before December 25th, keeping their attention on driving is a challenge. Since other drivers are facing the same dilemma, the potential for fender
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It’s good to see where you’re going when you drive – keep those windows clean

Good vision is a nice thing to have when you drive. It’s extremely helpful in avoiding accidents. With good vision, it’s easier to notice potential problems while you drive. With impaired vision, your awareness is diminished.A child runs into the road after a ball. Do you see the child in time to stop or swerve away? A truck at an intersection runs a red light into your path. Will you recognize
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Road flood roulette – drive through that water at your own risk

You’re used to seeing road along this stretch. Today, however, you see water instead. You slow to a stop as you contemplate the million-dollar question – “Can I drive through this water?”When water covers the road, as is the case recently with heavy rains, we occasionally find ourselves faced with the question above. It’s terribly inconvenient when the road is blocked. We come to depend
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From good driving habits to proper automotive maintenance, there are ways to avoid accidents

If you don’t drink and drive, if you don’t text and drive, you’ve reduced two of the major factors that, as a result, could find you in an accident. Of course, there’s always the question of whether the ‘other’ driver was drinking or texting. Still, considering that somewhere around half of all auto accidents occur because of impaired driving, this is a significant way to improve your
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Performance Unlimited driving tip: beware of 4-wheel drive in the winter – what gets you going may not help you stop

In previous articles on this blog site, we’ve discussed the hazards of winter driving here in the Midwest (this certainly applies anywhere that roads are covered with ice or snow). In those articles, we’ve expounded on the importance of good tires, properly filled with air and balanced. We’ve also spoken of the vital importance of good brakes, a firm suspension and solid steering and chassis.
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Every day driving or performance driving – Ringwood’s Performance Unlimited has the answers

Performance Unlimited is well known as the place to go for superior auto repair services. However, as their name implies, Performance Unlimited is also the top performer in McHenry County for folks who want their rides to go a bit faster, a bit quicker and with a bit more torque. A walk through the shop at Performance Unlimited reveals some of the evidence that the mechanics in here know
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Tires with traction take some of the stress out of winter driving

There’s just something about that first snow, a blanket of white covering roads and landscape and sparkling under street lights at night. It brings out that youthful sense of wonder in even the most ardent individual who has sworn to have shoveled their last driveway. Of course, the wonderful world of snow leaves something to be desired when someone climbs behind the wheel and tries to drive on
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Leaves slippery when wet – good reminder to check your brakes

This time each year, we welcome the return of that seasonal panorama of multi-hued reds, yellows, oranges, browns and greens as the leaves begin to change color. First on the trees, then descending to the ground, it’s a visual gift that softens the blow of an impending winter to follow.While it’s hard to compete with the natural aesthetic value of the changing autumn leaves, a mat of wet leaves
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Properly used technology means texting when you’re not driving

Technology is a wonderful thing or, at least, it can be wonderful. The key to technology is to use it the right way – to use it safely.The microwave is quite a convenience when we want to heat a meal quickly. We all know, however, that it tends to backfire if we try to cook that meal in a metal pan. The same principle holds true with cellular phones.Auto manufacturers have spent untold hours and
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