A quiet car exhaust will keep your McHenry neighbors smiling
%b %06 %2014, %Rbad exhaust, bad muffler, bad muffler McHenry, exhaust system, exhaust system McHenry, McHenry rusty muffler
Have you suddenly noticed that your car is louder than it used to be? When you drive down the street in McHenry, do people cover their ears as you go by? Do you find yourself shouting at the top of your lungs when trying to order drive-through food?
These are all ‘subtle’ clues that your exhaust system may require some attention. If it’s bad enough, you may even experience another clue –
Discomfort – a tell-tale clue your car’s A/C isn’t up to a hot Spring Grove day
%b %23 %2014, %Rair conditioning Spring Grove, check AC, check air conditioner, check air conditioning, Spring Grove check a/c
Well, maybe it will get hot in Spring Grove this summer after all. This week, it actually reached the 90s. Though it promptly cooled off again, don’t forget, August is just around the bend.
So far, your car’s air conditioning hasn’t had to work too hard this summer. That’s how it goes when summer temperatures are mild in and around Spring Grove. In fact, a mild summer can allow an automotive
Are your brakes ready for Johnsburg Road and beyond?
%b %16 %2014, %Rauto repair, car brakes Johnsburg, Johnsburg auto repair, Johnsburg brakes, Johnsburg brakes checked
You’re cruising along on Johnsburg Road thinking about what you’ll buy when you get to the store. You’re thinking about what you’ll fix for dinner tonight or what time you have to pick your daughter up from her horseback riding lesson. You’re thinking how nice it would be to take a little time off, maybe visit an exotic destination in the Caribbean. Whatever you’re thinking about, you
An ounce of prevention back in Richmond can spoil a costly road-side breakdown far from home
%b %10 %2014, %Rauto repair service, Richmond auto maintenance, richmond auto repair, road-side service
You find yourself sitting in the car 100 miles or more from Richmond. The car rocks every time another car goes by at, or above, the 65-mph speed limit. It rocks twice as hard when a semi rolls by. Looking out the windshield, you can still see the smoke curling up around the raised hood. If you knew more about cars, maybe you’d have some idea what to do about the problem – why the car started
McHenry racers get in their soap boxes and ride for fun and glory
%b %25 %2014, %RMcHenry auto repair services, McHenry Kiwanis, race, racers, soap box derby, soap box racers
Soap Box racers cross the finish line in McHenry June 21.
Side by side, the racers crouch in their sleek charges, nose down on the ramps ready to go. From 3rd Street past Green Street in McHenry, spectators behind bales of hay line Waukegan Road as the tension builds. Then, a lever is thrown releasing the cars. Down the hill they fly, racers casting furtive side-ways glances that tell – it’s
TONIGHT!!! Tonight!! Tonight! Cruise night rumbles into McHenry
%b %09 %2014, %Rcruise night, Green Street Cruise Night, high performance, hotrod, hotrods, McHenry Cruise Night, performance cars
Street rods, dragsters, foreign sports cars and grand touring classics – you’ll find them all and more tonight in McHenry at Green Street Cruise Night. Mustangs, Camaros and `Cudas – these are just some of the classic automobiles that will rumble into the Public Parking lot southwest of the intersection of Green Street and Route 120.
This dazzling display of Detroit Iron, ground-hugging European
Time to prepare your car for the McHenry County summer ahead
%b %04 %2014, %Rauto repair service, automotive air conditioning McHenry County, automotive coolant, change engine oil, McHenry County radiator flush, oil change McHenry, recharge acOf course, it’s a good idea to prepare your car for winter. The bitter cold, ice and snow in McHenry County will ferret out any weakness and play havoc with a vehicle. Summer, however, will also test a car. That’s why it’s also a good idea to prepare your vehicle for the summer ahead.
Consider this your McHenry County Summer Automotive Survival Guide. Paying attention to the tips below will
From winter to summer – in McHenry, it’s time to check your car’s A/C
%b %30 %2014, %Rair conditioning, auto maintenance northern Illinois, automotive air conditioning, car A/C, Northern Illinois auto air conditioning, northern illinois auto repair
Remember Spring and Fall? You know, those where those seasons that used to come between winter and summer here in McHenry. These days, we just, kind of, move from one of the two remaining seasons to the other.
A couple weekends ago, we had snow. Today, they’re expected highs in the 80s and it’s still May. If it reaches this kind of temperature now, what can we expect when summer is in full bloom?
Great cars coming to McHenry: Green Street Cruise Night only two weeks off
%b %19 %2014, %Rcar show Illinois, custom cars in McHenry, Green Street Cruise Night, McHenry Cruise Night, McHenry hot rods
Do you dig hotrods, sports cars and other four-wheeled-mechanical wonders? If so, Green Street Cruise Night is the place to be starting June 9. The event runs every Monday through Sept. 29. It will feature vendors with food and beverages, a 50/50 raffle and, of course, a wide range of the shiniest and hottest cars in McHenry County.
The vendors include Kona Ice, MJ’s Coffee Bar, Big Daddy Dogs,
Have your brakes checked before entering the McHenry road construction zones
%b %11 %2014, %Rauto repair McHenry, have your brakes checked in McHenry, McHenry check brakes, McHenry road construction
You’re cruising down Route 120 in McHenry when, suddenly, you realize the car in front of you has come to an abrupt halt. Without even thinking, you slam on the brakes and hold your breath hoping you’ll stop in time.
If you hit that car, you and your passengers may be hurt, the person, or people, in the car you hit may suffer injuries and there is always the risk that you may drive that car
5415 Austin Ct. Ringwood, IL 60072 DirectionsHours:
Mon - Fri: 8am to 5:30pm
Sat: 8am to 2pm
Sun: Closed

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