Checking your bulbs could avoid tickets and accidents

How often do you conduct a safety walk around on your vehicle? You may recall that, when you studied The Rules of the Road in preparation for that first driver’s license exam, in days gone by, you were told to check your lights and turn signals every time you went for a drive. Today, the booklet merely states that each car must have this equipment and that it must work properly. Let’s see a show
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Automotive warranty doubled at Ringwood based auto repair shop

When a company stands behind its products and services everybody wins. When that reputation for quality is matched by a written warranty customers have a sense of security and confidence.People who bring their cars in to Ringwood based Performance Unlimited have come to realize that the word of owner Denny Norton has value. When Norton returns the keys to a customer after work is completed, his reputation
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Don’t let a well-tuned engine turn into traffic tickets

That tune up really did the trick, didn’t it? Gas mileage is up and the engine even seems to have a little more power now that it’s running smoothly. You may feel tempted to give it a little extra gas now and then. But, if you have too much fun with that extra power, it may not save you any money at all. It might even wind up costing you money.How? Well, first of all, those jack-rabbit starts
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Season of the flashing road horse, and the flashing squad car, is upon us

It’s summer: sunny days, communing with nature, road trips. It’s a splendid season and, here in the Midwest, it’s our reward for enduring another winter. It’s also the season when birds and other animals have completed their migrations and hibernations. They rise from their slumber and frolic in the woods and meadows, and, occasionally, across the roadways.One such critter, known to many in
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Extreme weather is the ultimate test for your vehicle

Extreme weather will test our vehicles. If there is a weakness, excessively hot or cold weather may bring that weakness to the forefront. Belts and hoses that are on the brink, radiators and coolant/antifreeze that are no longer operating at their peak performance, engine thermostats that are stuck: these are just a few of the issues that may float below the surface on days when the weather is mild.
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Hot weather will test your car’s AC unit

Hot out, isn’t it? Days like this make us appreciate the wonders of modern conveniences, such as air conditioning. Speaking of air conditioning, that’s also comfort creating equipment for a car, isn’t it?Just imagine, it’s 1936 and the family is on its way to Aunt Betty’s. The windows are down in the hopes the breeze will offer some relief from the 100-plus heat outside. As heat waves radiate
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Your engine needs just a little TLC to keep on keeping on

Maybe you don’t exactly love you car’s engine. You may start the car and start driving while hardly considering your engine at all. But, if your engine stops doing what it’s expected to do, you may develop strong emotions about your engine in a hurry.“Your oil is the lifeblood of your engine,” said Denny Norton of Ringwood based Performance Unlimited. If you shortchange your engine oil you’re
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Will your antifreeze perform as well as a coolant this summer?

Well, your antifreeze kept your engine block from freezing and cracking last winter. How should you reward it? How about giving it a physical examination and, if it isn’t up to snuff as a coolant, having it replaced. That might not seem entirely appreciative but it’s probably the smart move.The liquid in your radiator is supposed swing with power from both sides of the plate – in winter and
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Longer tire wear with timely rotations

Have you rotated your tires lately? If not, maybe you should.“Rotating your tires will extend the life of the tires while ensuring safer driving,” said Denny Norton, owner of Ringwood based Performance Unlimited.  “Tires wear differently on the front of the car than they do on the rear. By rotating the tires you make sure that they wear a more evenly.”Uneven wear between tires will have
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What kind of parts is your mechanic using? Aftermarket parts are not always cost effective

The bad news was that your car threw its timing belt. But, once you recover from the sticker shock of an operation such as that, now the work is all done and you can pick up your vehicle. Good news, right? Not so fast.This is a question you probably should have asked before the mechanic started working on your car but what kind of parts did they use? Were they OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer)
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Sat: 8am to 2pm
Sun: Closed

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